I know that there is a lot of time since the last time which I wrote here but today I have decided to fix it because there are a lot of things which I want to talk about but the first is…:
Happy new year 2015!!
And now, the post!
During this last year 2014 I think that I was a very, very good girl and I have received a lot of gifts in my birthday, Christmas and in my saint’s day (in my region it is as important as a birthday) which it will be in the next month but I’ve received some presents for that date.
Because my sisters pamper me so much, my parents take care that I have always all that I need, my wonderful friends, my boyfriend and his family which always give me a lot of gifts and that this year I have saved some money, now I have a lot of new things.
To begin, I have this precious new top hat, which gived me by my parents in my birthday.

From my friends I have received for my birthday and Christmas the following things:
My friend Muriel Dal Bo gives me this beautiful pendant which is handmade and I’m so grateful and I have used it a lot of times. It is a piece of her collection “Victorian Luxure Collection”, and the photos are not enough good because it is prettier than the image.

My loved friend Laura Luna has given me two gifts. The first is a spin-off of the famous saga of Patrick Rothfuss, “History of Kvothe”, which is “The slow regard of silent things” and I’m wanting to read it as soon as I finish with the sage of “The dark tower” of Stephen King. Her second gift I have not used yet because I don’t have enough time yet, but there is a lot of time since I wanted it and it seems to be sweety. It is “Child of Light”. Finally she has dedicated a customized short story which is gorgeous.

The marvelous illusionist Patri Zenner gave me this pretty choker which is very appropriate for our profession, because it is very artistic.

And my beautiful friend Veronica gave me this handmade choker as a gift, which I appreciate so much.

On the other hand, the family’s boyfriend gave me by Christmas two things: black corset leggings (which I has already used) and I love them because I can use them in any chance and a corset skirt which I want to use it in short time, because I think that it is beautiful.

A lot time ago I wanted to have pendant with black crosses and finally I gave me this double rosary, which has been bought in “Bijou Brigitte” and, on the other hand, two steel crosses which I has bought in a Christmas market.

In another Christmas market, we have bought this beautiful painting of “Lili Devo Art”, which we have already put at home:

One of my sisters, which has a pharmacy, gave me another gift more: a small bottle of “Huile Prodigieuse” of the brand “Nuxe”. It is a dry oil which as well as hydrate, it has a delicious perfume. I use it after taker a shower (this one has an atomizer) in my body, face and the ends of my hair because it is not oily.

Finally, this year I have received beautiful garments from my favourite shop: “Heavy Red”. And as I said at the beginning, I think that the last year I has been so good, because I have added to my collection a lot of new things from this shop, from various people, because my birthday, Christmas and my saint day, which is near to arrive.
I have got two new sets of short sleeve jacket and skirt under the knee, which is from 20’s style, and I think that they are very elegant (I think that everything is elegant at this shop). One of them has a black jacket with red details on neck and the skirt is red and black striped, meanwhile the another one is brown with a little red tone.

Also I have received two new skirts, one grey and the other is of a precious light red color.
Also I have three new shirts, one purple, another teal and another one grey with black details on the lapels and cuffs.

Finally they have also given me a new striped hoodie which is black and white and I love it and I’m sure that I will use it daily in the same way of the others that I have from this shop.

I had a lot of luck because the order to “Heavy Red” was done during the pre-Christmas campaign (Black Friday) and usually this shop has a lot of offers but also they put an event with the name of “Pandora’s Bag”. This event is a new gift which is made by the shop if you order is greater than a certain value. This gift is a bag or handbag (the last year I received a red black striped bag) which is full of little treasures, as bracelets, pendants, earrings, rings, thigh highs, fingerless gloves and accessories and beutiful things, which are chosen randomly, but you can say the type of the things which you preffer.
This year the handbag is a gift by itself, because it is very pretty and I’m sure that I will use it a lot.

Inside of this one there are a lot of precious things which I would like to talk about.

It has arrived with two bracelets, one of rosary type, with black beads and a silver cross. The other one has small grey and silver pearls of different sizes. Also there was a colgant which is very appropiated for me with filigrane heart with a green detail inside.

Also there were a ring, a hairband/brooch/hairpin for the hair and a black eyeliner of the brand NYX.

I have black tights and two pairs of gloves. One is a “zombie” style and the another one is reddish, with ribbons to tie them in the thumb and leave them hanging.

Finally, there was a small pillow with black heart form which has the possibility of hang it.

And you, have you been good the last year? What did you received by Christmas?