Today I will show you a look which I use sometimes but not all days. I don’t use it all days because I need about 15/20 minutes for dayly make up (totally finished) instead of this one which I need a bit more time.

Occasionally look, closed eyes
In this occasion I will write about eyes make up.
After applied the corrective, make up and powder, I applied white iridescent shadow under eyebrow and the corner of the eye. After I used a mixed of two shadows, one pale grey and another grey near to black to half eye near to the corner of the eye.
To do all this steps I used a shadows trio of Bourjois, Effect Lumiere tone Les argents 46. Nowadays I don’t know if it is still made, but a good substitute would be the Smooky Eyes Trio Eyesshadow tone Grey Dandy, also from Bourjois.

Bourjois Effet Lumiere Eyeshadow Trio 46
After it I applied a matte shadow of Kryolan of black colour, but I will not put any picture of it because I haven not found any picture and my palette is a bit disaster currently… I used it at the end of the eye, very shaded.
Finally, I used a shadow which I have bought in Sephora of the Cargo brand. I tis a shadow of two steps: one of cream and another of powder. It is possible to use it indenpendently, but if you use them at the same time, it is durable, it does not cracked and has a matte look. The tone which I use is called Katmandu.
I applied the cream part doing a C in the eye, emphasizing the end. With the same shadow, I painted the line of the down eyelash, but without arrive to the eye corner.
After I used the powder past above it and remove the rest which could be falled with a special brush which has been designed for this task.

Cargo SmokyEye Dual Katmandu
After it I put the black false eyelash with half feathers. It is sold by Kiko but it is possible to find them cheaper than Kiko searching in Internet (eBay, for example).

Black false eyelashes half feathers
If you choose to search in Internet, I advise you that not to use the adhesive which you will find with it, because they are bad and it is not only that maybe it drops at the beginning; it is possible that people can see easily the adhesive and you can lost it after some hours.
I like to use the Duo adhesive of Sephora. There are waterproff, but the product is black and if you don’t have a good technique, I think that it is better the normal one because it is transparent and you will not be in dangerous to do a disaster.

Duo adhesive of Sephora
After put the eyelashes, I painted the eye corner and the upper line of the eyelashes with a black pencil of Deborah. it is the one which I have used for most time and it is incredible how it extendedi it and support everything, even tears. It is the extra eyepencil waterproff tone 01.

Deborah Extra Eyepencil Waterproff 01
Later I painted the lower eyelashes with Great Lash of Maybelline. It is not the best product which I have, but it is enough good and cheap, that is the reason why I use it usually.

Maybelline Great Lash Mask
To finish, I combed eyebrows and made up them with another product of Deborah, the 24 ORE for eyebrows tone 282.

Deborah 24 ORE 282
This is the result with open eyes (please don’t take care about my face because I were so tired after a exhausted weekend):

Occasionally look, open eyes
It is possible that you can’t see the contact lenses which I have in the previous photography, but they are from Circle brand and blue colour. In the next photography, which has been taked in other moment, it is possible to see beter the make up (I made up in the same way that this description) and the colour of the contact lenses. The make up is a bit spoiled, because I made up in the morning and the photo was taken at night. Even it it was good.

Close eyes / open eyes