Daily Summer dresses

I think that it is a type of clothes which everyone should have in their wardrobe. There are a lot of posibilities: different patterns, different forms, etc but, to use daily, I usually like a simple tight dress, not so longer (above knees) and black or ecru color.

Black dress with skulls by Poizen Industries

Black dress with skulls by Poizen Industries

Lately it is easy to see a lot of different dress models of pin up style but we need to remember that to add a bit of volume, it is needed to include a petticoat under the skirt of the dress which provides more heat.

Tartan rock dress by Hell Bunny

Tartan rock dress by Hell Bunny

Depending of the preferences of each one, they can be used with boots or ankle boots, sandals or Mary Jane style shoes. My favourite option for walk is the last one because the boots give me a lot of heat and, I’m sorry but I don’t like sandals.

Iron Fist Siesta Skull Dress

Iron Fist Siesta Skull Dress

My favourite dress brands to use them daily are Innocent, Iron Fist, Hell Bunny, Poizen Industries and some models of Vive Maria.

Vive Maria Dress

Vive Maria Dress

From Innocent barnd I recommend their long t-shirts, which have beautiful patterns and it is possible to wear them with shorts, leggins, short skirts or, if we are very cheeky, without anything under it.

Innocent Long T-Shirt

Innocent Long T-Shirt

Also it is possible to use them with fishnet, lace or fantasy stockings, depending of the taste which everyone has about the temperature. Personally I link to use them with black lycra shorts with lace in the bottom.

Black Lycra Shorts with lace

Black Lycra Shorts with lace

Aug 5, 2013 | Posted by in Fashion | 1 comment

Welcome to my cardboard world

Hello creatures of night,

I am writting these first words to greet and introduce my project where I want to write about a lot of things which usually I cannot share with my near environment because my peculiar tastes, ocurrencies and reflections.

Without further ado, I show you this world which I hope that it evolve without pauses and you love it… Of course, all your comments and ideas are welcome.

Cotton candy kisses for you.

Aug 5, 2013 | Posted by in Thinkings | 0 comments