I know that I have written here a long time ago, but currently I’m studying and I haven’t enough time that I would like to tell you all the things that I think.
Neither I’m adding new creations for my Etsy shop, but I have some ideas (every suggest is welcome). I hope that you like the videos that I have uploaded to my Youtube channel (there are three) and when I will some time free, I will try to make and upload more.
Today I show you the last shoppings which I have done this month.
It will be the birthday of two of my nephews in few time and I was searching for books and toys and, as could not be otherwise, I took a fancy of somethings for me.
Some time ago I show some dolls which are sold by big shopping malls and toys shops, the “Once upon a zombie“, which are the pricesses of classical tales of Grimm brothers but change them to zombies.
When I saw them for first time, they cost around 25€ each doll. Some days ago, when I was deciding which I will give to my nephews, I saw them again but this time for 9€ each one and I couldn’t resist to buy two of them, Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty.


Sleeping Beauty
I bought them in a Carrefour, but I think that you can buy them in another big malls or by Internet in online shop of Famosa (only for Spain), for example.

Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty

Zombies Princesses
On the other hand, I was searching for some books to give them and I was totally captivated by the book “El Gran Libro de los Cuentos de Miedo y Misterio” (only in Spanish), which is a compilation of terror tales adapted to all ages and which are based on short stories and legends of well known authors as Edgar Allan Poe, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Bram Stoker or Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.

El Gran Libro de los Cuentos de Miedo y Misterio
This book costs around 22€ and in addition to the text, it has some pretty illustrations of Nin Studio.